Don’t Call It Consent: Being Groomed for Sex

Consent requires that a person have all the necessary information to make a decision and the power to choose and have that choice respected by others.

The possibility of authentic consent rests upon equality of power in a relationship. Consent should never be confused with submitting, going along, or acquiescing.


Did I consent to have sex with Dr. T? I guess it depends on whom you ask. If you were to ask him, I’m sure the answer would be yes. If you were to ask any of my other therapists, my lawyer, or any of the folks I know from SNAP, the answer would be a definitive no. If you were to ask me, the answer would be something like: Umm…no… There’s no such thing as consent for sex between a therapist and a patient. I’ve practiced that statement enough now that I sound pretty convincing, even to myself.

Like some victims of professional abuse and exploitation, I was “groomed” for sex over a period of time. The process involved a methodical, systematic wearing away of my boundaries, my morals and values, and my quite appropriate inhibitions and prohibitions.

* * *

One week after my then boyfriend and I decided to split up, Dr. T introduced physical contact into my therapy sessions. He did so with the noblest of intentions (or so it seemed): to provide me with a nurturing connection that could support me in my therapeutic work. After careful consideration, he decided it would be “okay” for us to hug at the end (or beginning) of sessions, and he also suggested that someday he could perhaps hold me while I processed highly emotional issues like loss and abandonment. I was thrilled at the possibility. I felt privileged, special, and very, very lucky. Our first embrace was a momentous occasion that took on an almost mythical quality in my mind.

While he’d always been easy-going, he became even more so during the next few months. He’d crack jokes, tell me funny stories—he was good at making me laugh. I found it easier then to let down my guard, open up more, take things less seriously. Once in a while he’d even call me at home—to check up on me or just say hi. He’d greet me casually, calling me by my last name and saying, “Hey—it’s your buddy!” I loved it when he called. I felt like he really liked me and cared about me. He was no longer just my therapist, he was also becoming my friend.

After about five months of weekly hugs, he began to increase the level of intimacy—a longer hug, a kiss on the cheek, a back rub. Every week it was something new. He approached all of this with nonchalance and calm control. He made all the decisions, judging what was okay, what not, where we could touch, where not, for how long, and how often… There seemed to be no reason for concern. He told me that he loved me and trusted me—he wanted me to be happy and feel good. I deserved that, he said, and he wanted to give that to me.

He decided that it would now be okay for him to try holding me during sessions. He let me pick the position. We’d sit on the floor, me in front and him behind with his arms around me. It felt really good. I felt secure, supported and loved. I found it easy to talk about difficult issues, partly from being held, but also because I felt less self-conscious, since he couldn’t see my face when I talked. After a couple of sessions like this, he took it to the next level and started touching me more, especially around my breasts—at first subtly, almost “accidentally,” then much more intentionally. He seemed to want me to get turned on. He also experimented with different ways of holding me, some of which were highly sexual. Sometimes the things he did felt nice, other times I found myself spacing out or not feeling anything at all. I felt embarrassed and confused about that, but I just couldn’t muster the nerve to say anything about it.

He’d remind me from time to time that he intended our physical contact to be for therapeutic purposes, not just for pleasure. He didn’t want me to take it for granted and sometimes accused me, playfully, of “junking on the hugs.” He thought I should take it all in and allow it to sustain me between visits. Wasn’t it better, he asked, to be aroused than to feel needy and depressed all the time?

During this time he was also introducing more sexualized content into our sessions—he’d ask me about my sexual history, question how I’d feel if he told me that he found me attractive or that I turned him on, ask about any “inappropriate thoughts” I might be having. Sometimes he’d talk about the spiritual benefits of tantric sex. Often, he’d make appreciative—and quite provocative—comments about my body. Truthfully, I felt excited by his flattery and beamed under his attention.

Sometimes I wondered if he knew what he was doing. The hugs were one thing but the more intimate stuff was strange territory; it confused me and I didn’t always know how to respond. But he always found ways to reassure me and diminish my concerns, sometimes teasingly dismissing my discomfort. I began to believe that, if there were any problems with the situation, they were mine—my way of thinking, my more conservative upbringing. He encouraged me to question my beliefs and long-held moral values. Essentially, his philosophy was this: Examine everything, then keep what works and discard the rest. I liked that. I wanted to be different—more confident, less troubled, less weighed down. I wanted to be more like…him.

As things progressed, he tried to get me to take a more active role in our contact. He asked why I didn’t test the limits. Was I afraid of making a mistake? I felt shy and uncertain, and scared by the new feelings I was having for him. I didn’t want to fall in love. I wanted to know that I’d be safe. He assured me that he was there for me, and it would be okay for me to push the envelope or surrender to whatever feelings I might be having. Of course there would be a “net” to catch me if I fell. Besides, what could be wrong with feelings of love? Why not just enjoy them, surrender to them?

The possibility of the two of us having sex was something he’d casually mention from time to time as if it were no big deal. He and his wife had “an arrangement” and I was single, so that was all okay, he said. I couldn’t quite believe he was talking about us having sex. Was he serious? I tried to take it in stride and not think about it too much.

He did want me to understand that, whatever we chose to do, we would never date or have an outside relationship. But as long as I could handle it, why not let ourselves have this gift? And as far as the prohibitions against therapist-patient contact, well, as my therapist, wasn’t he in a better position to judge what was best for me?

Even though he’d never done this before with a patient (or so he said), he had great confidence in his ability to manage the situation and whatever arose. Sure, he was breaking the rules and could lose his license if anyone found out, so we had to be careful. And, if it turned out that I couldn’t handle it emotionally, then we’d have to stop the contact altogether and go back to a more normal therapeutic relationship. But he hoped that he was making the right decision and that I would benefit from this approach he was taking. Of course, the decision was up to me.

That he would go so far for me and take these risks on my behalf made me feel very grateful and very loyal. I wanted to protect him and prove my worthiness, and I happily took on the responsibility of safeguarding our relationship. That included being careful about my own responses. I certainly did not want to disappoint him or appear ungrateful by questioning any of these “gifts” he was offering me—I might lose everything. I had to live up to my part of the bargain. I needed to show him that I could handle whatever we did, no matter what happened.

It took him about two and a half months to get from hugs to sex. Despite everything that had happened up to that point, when it came down to having sex, I hesitated. Things had progressed rapidly the previous couple of weeks—he had finally decided that it would be okay for us to kiss, really kiss—and I was feeling overwhelmed. Kissing him was one thing, but I had this feeling that sex would change everything, and I was terrified. Mostly, I was scared of falling completely in love with him. That felt dangerous, since I knew we could never be together as a couple. I didn’t know if I could handle having those kinds of feelings for him. But there we were, kissing on the floor of his office, and he was saying he really wanted to and asking if he could. I didn’t know what to say. I loved him. I wanted him to be happy, but…this? I tried to avoid a direct response and hoped he’d take the hint. Initially, he did. But then he asked again, promising to do whatever I wanted if I just said yes. To say no, to deny him what he wanted after all he’d done for me—I couldn’t do it.

So I…complied. I acquiesced. I submitted. Repeatedly. On a weekly basis for about the next three years, and on every occasion thereafter.

There were times I didn’t really want to, but it was hard to say no. I’d become “addicted” to him (through traumatic bonding)—both to the contact and to the feeling of validation I got from him when we had sexual contact. And I was worried about losing our special relationship, our friendship. If I refused him, or if he thought I couldn’t handle it, I feared he would end our contact altogether and we would go back to being “just” therapist and patient. That would be a devastating loss and I just didn’t feel strong enough to cope with it. I needed him. I depended on him. Compliance felt…safer.

So there was no saying no.

Periodically, Dr. T would remark on how much power I had in our relationship. This statement invariably confused me, since I felt like I didn’t have any power and couldn’t imagine what he was talking about. Sometimes he’d remark on how much sexual power I had—that he couldn’t resist me and had no discipline around me. He seemed to think I should find this flattering. (I didn’t. I didn’t want his inability to control himself to somehow be my fault.) Other times he would remind me that I could report him and cause him to lose his license. Horrified, I would protest that I would never do that, how could he even think that I would do that… And once again, he would be reassured of my loyalty. Of course I would never betray his trust.

* * *

Dr. T was truly a master of manipulation. He knew my history, my psychological issues, my vulnerabilities, and he understood how to use that information to control me. He created the illusion that I was consenting of my own free will, that I had power and choice and was aware of the risks. I was so deeply under his influence and in such a profound state of denial that it was not until I was well away from him that I started to understand what had really happened. I am still sorting it all out.

On AdvocateWeb there is a brilliant piece of work by Dr. S. Michael Plaut, Ph.D called Informed Consent for Sex Between Health Professional and Patient or Client. Dr. Plaut, a psychologist who specializes in sexual and boundary issues, created his own version of what a statement for informed consent for sex between a health professional and patient might look like. In my opinion, it is both darkly funny and terrifyingly accurate as a document that informs both parties what could happen should they “consent” to have sexual contact. I will hopefully get permission to reproduce the document here on the blog, but until then, you can link to it above or from my Articles and Publications page.

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Comments 91

  • Kristi,
    You did well! Another excellent entry. Your work is so very important. You are one of the front runners in exposing this. Your bravery in exposing what happened to you is so powerful! I am proud to call you my friend as well. Keep up the good fight!

  • HI Kristi….
    you seem to be talking about me and my story with my former T. i am still under such a spell. But so many common elements make the story familiarly freaky. For one thing, his having ‘an arrangement’ with his wife.
    i felt so privileged… imagine that- he chose ME over her. I was positive that he chose me because i was more intelligent, more supportive, more intuitive than her. He and I were obviously much more suited to each other and i had finally found ‘the’ One.

    I kept waiting for the day he would announce we were so blissfully happy together that he was leaving his wife to be permanently with me.

    i was making all the arrangements- working hard, saving money, building a nice career, making sure i had plenty of assets in my trust to put at his feet the second he would say ‘i do’…

    The other detail…his love for yoga.
    i often wonder if his devotion was real or if it was part of the grooming process. After all, being a disciple of yoga is about being spiritual, forgiving, a peacemaker. It would provide the awakening that would preclude anger and litigation. and then there were the beautiful women in yoga class… he’d often pay much attention to them and then inform me that a couple of them were lesbian and that i would be a wonderful partner for them.

    I remember the shock…the pain, the confusion. if we were really a couple, why introduce me to anyone else??
    kundalini yoga… what i think is his greatest gift. from there he convinced me that I needed to see a tantric to have ‘mystical’ sex with.

    he wanted to have me experiment with a lot of things. Need i say more?? i was terrified, but did comply. it was catch 22. if i complied, i would please him. but i incurred the risk of being left for infidelity. if i didn’t comply he would take off on me for not wanting to please him. but i would have proven my faithfulness to him and thus passed the test.

    confusion, pain, addiction, anxiety, fear, elation, relief, regression, projection, anger, forgiveness, heaven and hell all have combined in one cancerous mass.
    and when i asked about when might we be together at last, as he said, he simply said ‘i don’t think i can do that’.

    thanks for your posts.

    • Wow. Some of that sounds frightening similar. Dr. T was quite the yogi, claimed to be friends with a famous yoga teacher (who left the area after being accused of having an affair with one of his students…birds of a feather??), and said he’d likely been doing yoga for lifetimes. (I wrote a little more about his “spirituality” in the Search for Healing posts.)

      I am so sorry for what you’ve been through. Have you considered taking legal action? Whatever you decide, I wish you the best for your healing. If you’d like to contact me privately, you can use the contact page to send me an email.

  • While this is about sexual activity in a fiduciary relationship, I believe that there is no such thing as true sexual consent in ANY abusive relationship. The lack of consent is simply clearer to see in a fiduciary relationship or adult/minor sexual relationship, but even in “regular” sexual relationships (those between adults outside of a fiduciary or custodial role), consent isn’t possible without the ability to say no.

    If a man smacks a woman every time she refuses sex within a relationship, then consent cannot be possible, even if she “agrees” to sex some of the time.

    Power differences between abusive “partners” and their victims, or between anyone and some abuse victims, are just as much a factor in relationships as those between adults/minors or professionals/clients.

    Many aspects of abusive relationships can be found across categories – i.e. both sexually abusive therapists and child molesters groom victims. The purpose of abusive relationships regardless of origin is to gain (or increase power) and control over a victim.

  • Just as many others has said this is all too familiar .I’m in the middle of this situation right now.This was my licensed christian counselor/ and pastor.I can see how he groomed me over many years.He allowed me to believe I was like a daughter to him.Recently I found out that he has already done it to 2 other women in the church.which truthfully I think there are many more.We did expose him in the church and are trying to move forward.I tell you every moment of the day I find myself thinking about it.It has nearly destroyed me emotionally,physically,& spiritually.I’m quite surprized of how often this is happening.Hopefully one day I’ll be strong enough to help others this happened to but for now i’m just trying to survive each day

    • Hi Karen
      My Wife and I gave also very recently gone through this with our pastor.
      My wife war extremely vulnerable, and he was meeting with the both of us and using information that I was sharing to get to her, and he ultimately got what he wanted.
      It has been the most traumatic experience of my life and we are still trying to move forward.
      We have recently become the only UK support contact for the The Hope Of Survivors that are based in the United States, We are aiming to provide support to both primary and secondary victims as we are familiar with the kind of devastation this type of abuse brings. Please have a look at the website it has been an amazing blessing to us. Another great web site is the spiritual abuse support line, these guys are based in London and we have met with them face to face , and again a real blessing to us.
      Both my wife and I are now working to bring about change and raising awareness of clergy sexual abuse.
      You are not alone!
      Our prayers are with you.
      God Bless

    • Hi. I’ve just come out of a relationship like yours. I’m finding it very difficult to deal with. I still am in shock. My head is a mess.

      • Hi. I’m a survivor of this as well. I’m also a therapist who offers free phone sessions to victims feel free to email me if you need help

        • Hi
          I’m not sure if this is the place but I’ve been reading all of your comments and feel I would benefit from finally discussing my experiences of this. However it wasn’t with a therapist. Any words of advice would be grateful.

        • I actually have a question, Margaret. As a survivor AND therapist, do you feel more complicity than you would allow your patients to feel? I don’t want to fall into the trap of “playing the victim ” but I am 49 years old; been in an emotionally abusive relationship in my 20s; and since that time, I’ve had secondary education in Psychology, specifically behavioral modification and that includes a certification as a Victim’s Advocate for domestic violence; Criminal Justice; and a Master’s Degree in Social Work, yet here I am today beating my head against the wall and manically searching to find answers as to why and how I “allowed” this to happen to me. I have only confided the entire accounting to one other person. That person is trying to be supportive however, as our conversations progress on any given day, I am feeling more and more conflicted about what, if any, action I need to take. I “feel” that my confidant absolutely believes me one day then the next wonders how this happened. Projection? Probably! My manipulator was my immediate supervisor and he was transferred to another location and after a few weeks, I was terminated so the parent company could find alleged evidence to terminate me legally. One day I feel violated, abused and near a complete mental break; then another I accept, at least, half of the responsibility for the circumstances, thinking that “of course he thought that was acceptable” but still have the same feelings of an emotional break no matter what category I fall into that day. I feel so very ashamed, guilty, complicit, foolish, adolescent, the list goes on and on. Any advice or insight would be welcomed.

    • This same scenario just played out for me, except I stopped it before it got physical. He is a Christian counselor/life coach. I was extremely vulnerable. I had lost my father and mother in the same year, been through a hurricane, and was having major marital issues. He was like a father to me at first, we even cuddled on the couch with his wife present. Our conversations got more and more intimate . He talked me into fooling around over video chat. He kept asking me to undress more, but I couldn’t do it. He got more vulgar every time we spoke, describing what he wanted to do to me, in detail. He would describe in detail what he wanted me to do to him. He would tell me about all of his elicit activities. I knew if we ever were alone, it would have led to him taking out aggression on me. I had the courage to put him before it went further, but I’m still struggling with dealing with it all.

  • Kristi, you are a brilliant writer, able to put into words what I struggle with so frustratingly to say, concerning the abuse by my massage therapist. Please keep writing, at least until I recover from the PTSD, as my head is still swimming almost three years later. My attorney thinks the jury will see my returning as consent, and will therefore, ultimately find me guilty. He has bumped me up against a dismissal deadline-my attorney! He is forcing me to let my case go, at least that is how it appears to be. I can’t start over, the statute of limitation is long gone at this point. I feel as if I am still trying to get someone to believe me, to listen to me and understand what happened to me. This sucks! My massage therapist Chris A. did all of the manipulating talked about in these articles on abuse, thank God he’s not a psychotherapist.

    • Hi Calmbreezesnow,
      I hear you are going through a really tough time. I am really sorry to hear that you are not getting the support you would like from your attorney. I know from my own experience that things don’t always go exactly how we want them to go. Sometimes it turns out to be for the best; other times, it’s just damn frustrating. I know I was really attached to having one of our press releases picked up—which never happened, despite all the effort I put into it. I took it really hard. However, partly as a result of that, we now have this website and blog. I might never have started it if I hadn’t been so desperate to express myself and say what had happened. So, you never know. Whatever happens in your situation, I hope you can find some acceptance for it. Sometimes when we let go of what we’re holding onto, some space opens up for healing and for new things to come in. Yes, the situation sucks. Yes, your lawyer has you in a corner. Yes, you’re feeling anxious, frustrated, depressed, angry…. If you let it be what it is and stop struggling (and stop trying to not feel the feelings), what happens? I can’t remember if you’re seeing a therapist, but this is good stuff to work on with someone who can hold the space for you. Your healing doesn’t depend on what does or doesn’t happen with this. You are in your healing process regardless, and you will heal. I am in no way trying to tell you what to do. Let your intuition guide you.
      Much love and care to you!

  • I’m in this “club” too, Karen. I believe the damage from the physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse is beyond what most people, I suspect even the abuser, can comprehend. I would not wish this all-encompassing suffering on anyone, not even him. Like you, and certainly so many others, this is with me every day. Lately, though, I’ve noticed that there are moments when I consciousely choose to not let it be at the top of my mind. And in those moments, and they are all too brief, healing is able to take root. It makes me realize that we can’t give the abusers “top billing” in our minds and hearts because in doing so we continue to hand all the control over to them. Among the few things I can pray about anymore are victims of this type of abuse. You are now among them in my prayers.

  • i am currently dating my therapist

    and i love the fact that he is taking the time and effort into manipulating
    me to feel great and to be able to have sex.

    I feel Amazing………

  • Thank you for writing this. Everything you wrote about, your conflicting feelings and his methods of manipulation all hit home very strongly. While in my case he wasn’t a doctor he was my sporting teacher which is still in a position of authority. I felt very alone with my shame and fear. I find it hard to articulate how I feel particularly because it is so psychological you fear people can’t fully comprehend why you went along with it. Thank you so much for helping me on my journey.

  • […] Don’t Call it Consent: Being Groomed for Sex […]

  • 10 years on and I’m still dealing with my teacher relationship. I have always said that he had legally done nothing wrong as I was of the legal age of consent and I didn’t say no, however I realise now how I have been groomed and I love what you have written about with regards to a sexual relationship with your abuser. The sex that I experienced is now not with consent as I was 16 years old, he had groomed and manipulated me over the years to get away with a crime.
    Tomorrow I have an appointment with a police officer who will be looking at my case again.
    Thank you for this blog. Well done. You have opened my eyes and I am so very grateful 🙂

    • Thank you for your comments. When there’s that kind of power differential and one has that much authority over the other, there really is no consent for sex, because there’s no power to say no or have a “no” taken seriously. Consent requires the power of choice. “Submitting” or “going along with” is not the same as saying yes.

      It takes strength and courage to look at what really happened and then take action. I wish you all the best at your appointment and in moving forward with this!

  • Oh, wow. I have recently begun to wonder whether my current issues with finding sex creepy are connected with sessions with an elementary school counselor decades ago. I’m starting to wonder if he was attempting to groom me (at one point, he asked me to take my shirt off. I didn’t.) Even though he didn’t succeed in grooming me any further, I wonder if my problems are related to that time in my life. I have always had to “submit” to sex and it’s a pattern I want to break. (I enjoy sex once I have been convinced to have it.) I don’t want to be creeped out when an attractive man finds me sexually attractive. I have started to search on this issue and have found lots of suggestions to see a counselor (not going to happen) and very few resources for those whose trauma might have come from a counselor.

    Thank you for posting this.

    • Hi Jen,
      Sorry that we didn’t get back to you right away. Absolutely, if you had sessions with a counselor, ESPECIALLY as a child, that involved any kind of sexual or intimate content, you could be feeling major effects from that. And a counselor asking a child to take her shirt off is definitely a HUGE violation, whether or not you complied. Of course, there could be other factors influencing you now, too, but that’s a big one. Just your increasing awareness of what happened and what it might mean may help you to unravel its effects on you, but if you’re able to do some trauma release work around this incident, that could be a great benefit. If you don’t feel able to see a counselor, you may be able to find a bodyworker or other health practitioner trained in EMDR, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Somatic Experiencing, or other trauma resolution work. (You could try doing EFT on your own, too, but it might be easier with someone experienced who could guide you through the process.) You may also find that simply talking about the incident and your feelings may benefit you, so I encourage you to find people you trust, people who understand, who you can talk to about this.
      Wishing you the best!

    • Hello there Jen,

      It’s been a while since you posted this, so not sure if you’ll see my message now. However i relate very well to what you have written. I am afraid to say it, but i relate well to it because i am exactly the same when i encounter a new sexual partner in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that my issues come from abuse, as i was sexually abused by my own father when i was just 8 years of age. I was forced to face up to this situation a little while ago – just over 2 years ago, i’m afraid i encountered an internet groomer (i am a fully grown adult, and have been for more years than i’d care to admit), so i can relate well to the rest of this thread too. We never actually met, but he was very clever at getting what he wants out of people. I have been actively seeking D/s as a lifestyle choice, perhaps because of our shared issue, or perhaps not, while i am your stereotypical alternative lifestyle seeker, from studies which have been undertaken, i am very much in the minority, that most people who seek it as a lifestyle are usually very successful, emotionally stable people who don’t have any history with abuse. I’m going off the point now, feeling a need to justify my lifestyle choices, but it is relevant to my story as the person who tried to groom me tried twisting something which is built around love, mutual trust, and mutual respect, whereby on the outside it may appear one person has all the power, but inside the 2 people concerned have already discussed in depth, openly and honestly what each is wanting and needing from the relationship, what each others limits are and sticking by them, so the one who appears to be in the weaker position, is actually in the stronger position as their limits, wants and needs dictate the boundaries of that relationship – twisting that into a situation of abuse where i’d have been afforded no respect, no limits, and no consent. I am only just waking up to his grooming tactics after reading an article i found online regarding grooming, and suddenly all his odd behaviour suddenly fell into place. He told me he could help me, that he’d helped people heal in the past by going to such extremes with them – at the same time, proceeding to bombard my brain with lots of philosophy, and also alternative theories and conspiracies. I am degree educated, but my life didn’t go exactly to plan, so i greatly enjoyed the intellectual stimulation this gave me, not getting that level of stimulation much elsewhere in my life, but of course while the mind is open to perhaps some brand new ways of thinking and seeing the world, it’s that much easier to get a foot hold of the mind in question. The level of corruption in the world seemed to upset him greatly, and he appeared to want to help expose all the worlds wrongs – but all he was doing was circulating documents, oh and the very well written articles posted on some whacky and far out conspiracist’s website, and radio interview of said conspiracist – ‘look at me and how good i am, i couldn’t possibly be an abuser, i care about the world’.

      Anyway back to the point of replying to your post. Last year, when he was deep inside my mind, and i was just trying to recover from round 2 of personality transplant from kind friend to telephone rapist it made me look hard at that fear response we share – he kept hitting that response trying to force me to go there over the phone – he always made me feel like everything was all my fault and that i was flawed, or worse to someone like me being called disobedient when there was no choice involved, it was just like hitting a mental brick wall each and every time. He refused to even talk to me about it so i done a lot of reading around the psychology of abuse, and also the psychology of D/s too, both very interesting and very separate topic areas. Up until that point, i had been encountering that response in a real life situation where as you said the other person can force you into it, i don’t mean force as in rape, but in things like heated kissing sessions for example, so i guess i never put that much thought past just that i found it embarrassing sometimes that suddenly i’d be giggling like a little girl and pushing them away when i was enjoying the kissing etc. Reading around such topic areas while i was dealing with all that fall out i guess i suddenly realised what was going on. I think it’s an automatic fear response buried in the depths of my psyche – i have found i have got past that with long term partners in the past, but until enough intimate trust is there which happens over time, not overnight, in the initial stages of intimacy i think i turn into an 8 year old, as that’s how old i was when that response was instilled in me.

      I hope my waffle has helped a little, and i hope you find yourself a decent, loving, and more importantly empathetic partner, that you may one day get you past that barrier, and if you ever come across anyone who makes you feel bad in any way because of it then just remember something i forgot for a while, they are not worth your time and attention and the problem is very much on their shoulders, not yours.

      I hope you recover and heal from your past experiences one day – i know i have been on a mission to do just that since my father died in my teens and i was finally able to talk about it – but i guess some things talking can’t reach. I did get counseling, for a full year too, i didn’t encounter any real problems there, she was happily married, middle aged and female – it was a voluntary organisation specifically for survivors of child sexual abuse – but as lovely as she was, as understanding as she was, as much as she backed up that it wasn’t my fault and i was a decent and kind person – it didn’t quite reach where it needed to. Never give up though, all we can do is remain open to love and compassion – that way the abusers never win 🙂


  • I was wondering what you think about whether sex can be consensual between a boss and a subordinate. I was groomed for sex by my boss and after she got what she wanted, she acted like I was a total stranger. She praised, charmed, flattered, bought gifts, gained my trust, told me secrets to keep, etc. all behind closed doors where I was isolated from everyone else. There was definitely a power differential plus a big age difference. I consented but at the same time, I almost feel raped. Thoughts?

    • I’m not surprised you feel raped. It sounds to me like she used her power and authority to get you to foster a sexual relationship. As you say, you were groomed. If someone is groomed, then it can’t really be consensual, can it? I can only offer my own opinion about this, as I’m neither therapist nor lawyer. I think the boss-subordinate thing makes it really tricky. Just because two people are adults doesn’t automatically mean there’s consent, especially when one has influence and power over the other. If they then use that power to their advantage, well, isn’t that sexual harassment? While I do think this sort of thing is case-specific, to me, the power differential would make any boss-subordinate relationship suspect. As long as one person has authority over the other, that’s an issue.

      • It’s just that I’m having a hard time getting people to understand my situation. My boss definitely has Borderline Personality Disorder but also has sociopathic and histrionic traits. She was my boss and she used me for sex and to boost her ego and then dropped me to look for her next victim. She even refers to the people she does this to as victims and she always seduces married people. I feel that this is wrong that I was put in the position of being a subordinate to her. In addition, she was not qualified for her job. She introduced herself to me (a lesbian) as a single lesbian alone in a new city. It turned out that she is actually the mistress of the CEO. I got a lawyer, but she didn’t believe me that I was a victim in this situation so I fired her and am considering getting a new lawyer. It’s very hard to figure out what to do. She tried to fire me for something totally made up (she lies constantly) and then after I let it be known that she had sex with me, she was fired. Any advice? I know you guys are not lawyers, but still.

        • To me, this definitely sounds like something for a qualified attorney. You could check out the ones listed on my legal resources page and see if any of them could either help you or give you a referral. Given that this is a workplace situation, I’d recommend you consult with someone who’s truly qualified to advise you, since any action you take could have a variety of ramifications. I’d also recommend you find a therapist or someone else you can talk to about what you’re going through. You’ve been violated and you need some good support to deal with what’s happened.
          Wishing you the best!

          • Late to this but…my personal take is that dual roles should not exist in any kind of sexual relationship. Employer/employee–no. Therapist/patient–no. Doctor/patient–no. Professor/student–no. Family member/family member–barf me out. If you fulfill any of the roles described above, sex is 100 percent off-limits. You can be an employer, as was the case with what Confused experienced, or you can be a sex partner. You can’t be both at the same time to the same person.

  • Oh lord … This is my situation. Why am I so weak. Please help me stop this. It is all wrong, I know it, I never wanted it …. He pushed and pushed and pushed and persisted. He lies. He goes on and on about how “I” have the power. How I own him. How I could get him to do anything. He lies but he flatters again and again … and then I fear. He sulks if he doesn’t get his way – verges on the aggressive and I am defeated.
    He never takes a no.
    Please help me – what do I do. I want to stop this but he phones every single day. He doesn’t let me break it off but I could – I just have to be firm. But he is the one constant in my sad, pathetic life … I fear then what would be left if even that went but I was FINE before him so can be again, I know. He gets in my head – he overrides my morals because I am so weak. Please help.
    I rely on him sometimes for friendship, for advice, for being there or at the end of a phone line but I need OUT. It is all wrong. He doesn’t care about me no matter what he says or he would respect my decisions. He just wants what he wants and he will get it no matter what.

    Oh. Oh. Oh. F***. How did I get here. How was I so weak.

    • Christine, if it’s your therapist, NO, you are not weak. You were probably vulnerable and exploited by someone who knew what your Achilles’ heels were. Do not blame yourself. That is just what abusers love to see happen. You do not deserve it.

      • Actually, this is kind of a classic situation with individual abusers, sexual and otherwise, and cults. Isolate a vulnerable person, love-bomb, create dependency, and exploit. It’s a pattern. Here is more on cult characteristics–my personal opinion is that you can have a cult that consists only of two people.

  • My difficulty would be stopping it with him. It means confrontation – a breaking off completely … of course that is what it has to be but I fear that. The break.

    The cutting off of all contact – I don’t do that 😕 I am loyal and a people pleaser and always put myself last. How can I stand up for myself at the apparent expense of someone else (even an abuser).

    • Hi Christine,
      I hear how much pain you’re in and I’m so sorry. Trust me when I tell you that what he is doing is truly harmful to you. You need to get away in order to stop the constant harming and begin to heal. I wish I could tell you this will be easy, but things this important are often challenging, specifically so that they will spur our growth. What you must do now is value yourself, your health and well-being, your spirit, more than him. This is an opportunity for you to come through for yourself in a way you may never have before. You must value yourself before him, before anyone else. It is your job in life to take care of you. No one else will do that for you. As you say, you know you were fine before him, and so you can be again. Breaking off all contact takes discipline, just the way it can take discipline to exercise, eat healthy, go to your job, etc., all those ways we take care of ourselves. Think of this as just one more (BIG) way you’re taking care of yourself and safeguarding your future. Your life is valuable! Don’t let him steal another day from you. He is like a con man, ingratiating himself into your life so that he can get what he wants from you. He is only concerned with his own needs — he does not care about yours. Not because you are not lovable, but because he only knows how to think about himself. Likely, he does not know how to truly care about another person — which is very sad. Is this person really worth your energy? His being in your life is only reinforcing your belief that your life is sad and you don’t deserve something better. Learn that you deserve better by honoring yourself and no longer giving your power away to those who don’t respect you. Let him be an adult and learn to take care of himself. It’s time for you to step fully into your own power and fully honor your life. And it is ESSENTIAL that you stop the self-judgment and self-blame. Love, honor and forgive yourself, just as you would a loved one. Let go of the past and any mistakes you think you made and be tender and loving with yourself. You deserve that.

      ~ Kristi

  • Dear kristi thank you so much for getting back to me with your post … the last lines really made me feel better – it is funny, isn’t it the power of words.

    I must do it – I tried once before but he was clever he suggested we stop everything but remain friends – which was exactly what I wanted of course but then each time pushing the boundaries until we were right back where we always had been. That means I know this time this has to be a total break. I am not sure I can even write to him to let him know – I think I simply have to not answer a single phone call – block his number, not come to the door, ignore all emails, whatsapp, skype etc. Because I think if I try to explain it will just open a route for restarting discussion and – however long it takes – will end up with me caving again. His persistence is beyond my capacity for holding out against it!

    Thanks so much – I think I have the strength, I hope so ….. 🙁

    • Here’s what I recommend:
      First of all, don’t overthink it. Many of us have a tendency to try to figure everything out in advance: predict all the things that could possibly happen and come up with a solution for every single situation. That’s a colossal waste of energy. Take it moment to moment — don’t try to address the entire future of possibilities! When you do that, you spend a whole lot of unnecessary energy on things that may never happen. Wouldn’t you rather have that energy available for what actually DOES happen? Instead, choose your opening move, prepare for that, and then trust that you can handle whatever comes up. That will show your inner self that you trust it. And that’s a good thing!

      Next, keep it as neutral as possible. This doesn’t have to be dramatic. What I did with Dr T. was I called when I knew he wouldn’t be available and left a message that I needed some space, asked that he please not contact me, and said that I would let him know when I wanted to be in touch again. I used a very pleasant voice and was respectful but clear. You could do something similar, with no blame, no drama, and, very importantly, NO EXPLANATION. You do not owe him anything, including an explanation. You get to set your boundaries and make the rules. This is how you start learning to take charge of your own boundaries and to stop letting other people set them for you. If you ever find yourself falling into needing to explain, you can just stop and tell the other person that you don’t want to talk about it. Period. The important thing is to not leave it open-ended and to not give him an opening to respond. If you email him, that gives him an opportunity to email you back. (Everyone wants to have the last word!) You do not want to give him an opening. If you feel like emailing him is the only way, then you may want to block his email right away.

      Then if you need to, you can block his number, block his email (many email programs have this kind of setting), and do whatever you need to do to stop contact. If he persists, it’s possible you could file a restraining order. And that might not be a bad thing. Also, consider that if you ever might want to pursue legal or administrative action against him, you will want to keep all evidence (including emails, voicemails, texts, etc.). So don’t automatically delete all of this stuff. If you can keep it somewhere where you don’t have to see it or deal with it, that’s best. (I got a safe deposit box for some things.)

      I hope this helps! Maybe others will have additional suggestions for you.

      Good luck!

  • Kristi,

    Thank you so much for writing this. It’s such important information to have out there. I’m wondering if you would allow me to re-post/cross-post onto my website, Our Stories Untold, which was begun as a site to collect stories of sexualized violence in the Mennonite Church, but which has grown to branch out a bit to other religious communities as well. Please let me know if you’d be interested in having your piece republished so a wider audience could see it.

    Thank you again for writing it!


    • Hi Rachel,

      Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, feel free to post with appropriate attribution.
      I look forward to checking out your site!


  • Hi,

    I really appreciate you writing this. My situation is very complicated and I am so confused and feel that I can’t find help. I continue to struggle everyday. I was molested by my pastor at 11 then it continued until adulthood (24 years total). I had 2 previous sexual abuse situations before this happened. I actually told the pastor about those situations. I had no support from family so I was left alone once they found out. The things you said in this article were exactly what I experienced. I am not sure what to do at this point but I don’t want to suffer the rest of my life. I finally ended contact with this pastor.

  • […] someone would stay with someone who is abusing them in some way. I recently read the article “Don’t Call it Consent” on Surviving Therapist Abuse which really resonated with […]

  • Hi

    I recently posted a reply further up the thread, however it just occurred to me that perhaps i should have included a couple of links with it. It’s been less than a week that i found the document on grooming, so less than a week that i first realised i had been targeted like this again, only this time in my adult life. I am not saying that all abusers are narcissistic sociopaths, however reading up a little on both personality disorders i could see traits of both in my recent abuser. Reading this helped a lot with letting go of the lie he first presented himself as, as i realised that with some people it isn’t trust issues closing down their emotions, they just no longer know or care to know how to access any emotions full stop, and no amount of patience, compassion, or empathy is ever going to get anywhere with them.

    Here’s a link on both conditions, maybe it can help anyone else who’s ever had the misfortune of encountering someone with these traits.


    • Thanks for the links!
      Yes, a lot of us do find that our abusers could be categorized as narcissistic sociopaths. Check the Psychology, Personal Growth & Spirituality category on the Books & Media page for related books.

      • Thanks Kristi

        I’ll be sure to check out your suggested further reading 🙂

        Yes it just seems so wrong that while they’re causing us so much pain and turmoil, they get to feel nothing at all, but i guess that’s where karma comes into play – their karma is self fulfilling as they will never know the true joy of opening up your heart to another human being who is doing the same in return, or of how healing a thing that is. I do find it very sad at the same time though however, as both my abusers were abused badly in childhood too, to think that such tragedy has made them the way they are. But when they simply don’t have the strength to face their pain, and it leads to them then hurting others, they really need to take some responsibility for their actions and face up to what they’re doing. Some never find the strength though, sadly, and are just a lost cause.

        For the rest of us, all we can do is acknowledge our own strength, acknowledge the courage it takes to keep our hearts open, and be thankful we never let our pain destroy us to that degree, that we’ve never had to find reason to twist reality because the truth of our own actions are that abhorrent.


  • Wow, Iam feeling better to know Iam not the only person out their. Iam old enough to know better I thought I found someone to trust with my heart, only to experience the thing s I feared the most. But their is a name for it Groomed, Yes I cant belive i fell hard 3 years for him.
    Iam glad i stumbled through here I dont want to let this man get away to continue to hurt and play women for items,and make a game out of controlling people in this way. Is their really laws that can help after you have been coned by a con man. I feel a bit like a fool you might say but he said all the right things, I told myself to good to be true funny, thing is I was on to him if i liked certain things toward the end he would stop doing them, I tried to trust but my gt told me he was lieing to me he blamed me told me things were my fault never his, My last visit with him I got all my answers, While he was maken out in a truck with yet another his response, you just have to over look that. Really Pft!!!
    I was married once to someone who abused me I became a strong independent women raised 3 children,and fell prey to be a victum again its hard to leave but I deserve so much better, Thank you for helping me see it wasnt me I can be so hard on myself internal self needs to think Happy thoughts like before I met Him. He brought me way down. Their should be something I can do he wont return my things even, he wanted to now why i was Mad I just said if I had to explain you wouldnt understand. Then also said FBI was watching him on his facebook lol to end his naughty behaviour he is gone poof I need to get a laywer he told me no laws would help me he thinks he can do this their is a makes it sound like being groomed is nothing Hmmm

  • I recognize all of the symptoms of a narcissist. They are controlling, humorous [to get on your good side and to reel you in], they are charmers [again, to reel you in, normally followed by a “friendly” handshake], they’ll tell you that they’ll look after you. This is so that you develop a false sense of security towards them. A phrase they may use a lot might be “You can come to me about any problems”. Some people ARE genuinely looking out for you, but just keep in mind, that there’s always a predator telling you exactly what you want to hear. This is so that you land into their trap. I know. You just want to forget they ever existed. I know. They must have been so insecure and warped, to even THINK about doing this to you. There is nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot of things wrong with whoever did this to you. I keep wondering how their relatives, children, and friends, never notice it happening. If anyone has a narcassistic relative/ or friend/, please get them help, because you and the rest of us
    are counting on it. Ever wonder why someone who seems so popular, has hardly any visitors? Deep down we all know why. We’re just too stupid not to stand up to the person. Every time they walk into a room, you instantly feel fearful. They normally have a confident stance. I hope to hell that these poisoned minds regret every bit of what they’ve done to their victim. I also hope that they’re man enough to apologize to the victim. Only a true man will apologize and try his damn hardest to make it up to their victim. Not that I’m counting on it happening. I have had only one man do this to me. I’ll be damned if I ever let it happen again.

  • I feel tears welling up as I read this. It’s surprising and extremely comforting to find something like this that finally feels similar to what I went through. I was the 17-year-old in his youth group. He was 23 and married. It lasted for 8 months. I had known him and his wife since I was a little kid; I watched their relationship grow. I looked up to them and admired them for so long. I never imagined this could happen.

    It’s still so psychologically tormenting to figure out who is to blame, and why, almost two years later. I
    feel like a different person…like I’m not me anymore. You know? I still don’t completely understand everything I went through…it felt like I had found the best friend I could ever ask for, but now I know he just manipulated me into getting what he wanted, whether consciously or subconsciously.

    I feel like I’ve been torn to pieces, but this article makes me feel that there is someone out there who understands how lasting the effects are from something like this. It really feels lonely not being able to completely express to someone what it really feels like, and knowing that even if you could explain it, they wouldn’t begin to understand or believe you. I’m so glad I found this article. I still have hope in God, who I know, without a shadow of a doubt, is there and cares, but it still hurts. He has proven His love for me unmistakably, but sometimes, it still feels lonely, so getting this off my chest helps.
    I feel included and understood for the first time in a long time.
    I normally don’t post anything on anything…ever. But I just wanted to thank you for being so honest.

    • Erin,
      You are so welcome! I am so glad this helped you feel less alone. That’s what we all want. And you’re NOT alone. Know that there are people who do understand what you’re going through and care about you. Feel free to post wherever and whenever you need to.

      Thank you so much for your kind words about the article!
      All the best,

  • I have just woken up after reading all of this.
    I cannot believe that this has happened to me.
    I have been totally groomed by a younger man.
    I went through a terrible family trauma and this ‘friend’
    offered to comfort me and said we had a ‘connection’.
    I let him in immediately. Something always felt wrong.
    He said ‘When you let emotion in it ruins the relationship’
    All he wanted was sex, all he spoke about was sex, he made
    me feel sexually desired. He also said ‘you have the power’
    which I didn’t understand but now do. He also tried to get me
    to start a lesbian relationship with my best friend. He is hooked
    on porn and tried to get me to look at it, but I didn’t want to.
    For me there has always been the
    feeling that something just wasn’t right.
    I realized a few days ago how controlling he is when he said
    that I always interrupted him when he was speaking. This
    shocked me and I apologized to him. I now realize how untrue
    his saying that was and how he has totally sucked me in.
    I am so glad I found this most helpful site.
    I will so very quickly get out of this toxic relationship.
    Thankyou so much.

  • I am glad for this morning when I stumbled upon your website. I believe i just came out of a sexual grooming episode. But, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, I am not quite sure I will be completely out of it. Though I believe I will heal from it. But the scars will remain.

    I was confused. I self blamed as I was weak. i was vulnerable emotionally. He had chatted with me online initially. he gave me validations. he made me feel good about myself. He is an animal lover and have strong belief about certain social issues. He told me that we had connection. He kept close contact online till the subject matter took a turn into sexual tones. He told me stories about how he had sex with women. I must admit I got excited. He assured me that it was not wrong to have those thoughts. He assured me that feeling liberated is good. He was very good at directing conversations, asking the right questions, leading the way, coerce and persuade. He checked in on me regularly, I felt nice. It felt as if someone cared. He would greet me in the mornings and nights. I was still quite skeptical as I do not feel I could totally trust this person. But, I must say, he was very good at it, I fell for it. I guess he had done this countless times. I blamed myself for not being mentally strong and got emotionally sucked into it. Since I got emotionally sucked in, I guess i consented emotionally into the entire thing. I wonder IF, that was a result of Grooming. Once , I felt like he was getting very close to me, he would update me on his day etc. I was kinda confused by his actions. I wondered if normal friends do this with each other, updating each other constantly. He had asked to meet a few times, but, i was unsure, but, eventually I agreed to meet. On the evening that i met him, we talked but he seemed not very much interested in talking. And, we did stuff but not actual intercourse. Cos, I tried my best not to give in, though , he tried. Then, he no longer chats, but said , that i could call him if ever I wanna meet.

    Well, I am from Malaysia. This guy is quite a public figure and highly educated. I googled him after that and found that he had been sexually harassing many women before me. He is a social activist, he has a good public image and apparently many women in his community had experience sexual harassment from him. But he managed to talk himself out of it, and ,the most ridiculous part is that , women who knew his conduct could continue working with him. So, I guess , this guy is really good at what he is doing, he must be really good at arguing his stand. In Malaysia, we do not have law against sexual harassment. Women usually just suffer in silence.

    Anyway, i had asked him to stop contacting me. I should begin my healing, I was really depressed but at least now I am not alone. Thanks all for sharing your stories, you gave me strength. Thank you again.

  • I would like to add, he in fact, was also an activist for women’s right, feminism and even, issues directly dealing with women in sexual harassment. That is the big joke.

  • Dr G of Toronto Convicted of Drugging and raping two woman and killing a third one with the drugs he used to render his victims unconscious before raping them. Date fall of 2000. Psychiatrist gets off with a slap on the wrist and works as a psychiatrist regardless of criminal negligence against him.

    • Hi Ashley,
      According to our Comments Policy, in order to avoid legal complications we do not allow full names or identifying information of alleged perpetrators to be published on the site. So I’ve amended your comment. However, if you have proof that he was convicted and this has been published on the web somewhere, then we can consider leaving the name in.

      Thanks for understanding.

  • So what happened? Did you tell the police? Did he lose his license? Did he get away with it?

  • Hello there from the UK! I am so glad I found this blog as it has made me feel that I am not alone. Very briefly, I have been sexually abused by my acupuncturist for the past 2+ years – he was Chinese and spoke broken English. It is a very long story and very confusing for me as I was disgusted with what was happening and I definitely was not attracted to him, but he told me I needed him to do these things in order to make me better. As I had been having weekly treatments for years before it started, I thought it was a culture-thing and that perhaps he felt that he was able to do these things as I trusted him to make me better. I felt total confusion, ignored my gut feeling as I was desperate to be healed and would endure anything to make me better (he probably worked that out over time). The last occasion was when he held me down by my neck and held himself against me. I managed to get out and after a few weeks of total disgust, confusion and panic, I called the police. I was advised that I was one of at least three people who had come forward and that I had been groomed.
    They arrested him and the day he was questioned, he killed himself.
    Not only am I dealing with the fact that I (as a 40+ year old adult) have been groomed and paying for it, but also that he has killed himself and I had known him for years. It’s so confusing and has made a huge difference to my life, my business, my relationships, my personality. I am no longer the outgoing confident go-getter I was – I am a mere shadow of my former self.
    The counselling I am receiving is helping but I just want to move on. Do you have any suggestions on reading material please? I have found very little on adult grooming – most seems to pertain to children. Love and healing to you all and thank you so much for sharing and for all the support xxx

    • Hi there.

      I am so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. As if the abuse wasn’t bad enough in and of itself, I imagine that the man’s suicide has added a layer of complexity to everything that must be very hard to deal with.

      While I don’t have any specific suggestions for reading material, I do recommend that you peruse the links in the sidebar, particularly the Therapist Abuse Links and the articles from other sites. And I always recommend the website TELL –, which has some wonderful writings for adults that you may want to check out. You can also check out our Amazon store via the Books & Media page.

      Hopefully others will have some specific suggestions for you.

      All the best,

  • Im 16 and I work at mcdonalds and we have a new store manager. He is older than me by 20-30 years. I play around with him and touch his head a lot saying he has a peanut head. He also calls me “my daughter” sometimes. I have initiated hugs before but only to be friendly. When I got off work my friend who is 25 and my female coworker hugged me and then whispered in my ear to stop and that he’s old enough to be my dad and he’s being inappropriate with me. I’m scared that I have am about to be groomed and if I am missing any signs?

    • Hi Ciara,

      Thanks for your comment. You don’t say much about what actions your manager is initiating — only what you are initiating. Still, if he is getting physical with you, that is not okay. Not only is he your much older boss, but you are underage. I’d strongly suggest you back off from “playing around with him” since it is very likely that he may misinterpret that and respond in an inappropriate way. He should be maintaining good boundaries with you. No sexual remarks or overtures. If he doesn’t, that’s a problem. If he is making overtures and then acting like it’s no big deal, then that could be a sign of grooming.

  • Hi I am 24 years old male and my therapist gave me an interactive sex toy. It like is syncs with hers so when I use it it’ll stimulate her and when she uses it it’ll stimulate me. She said it would be a good bonding experience if we were to talk via Skype whilst using them from home. She also said it’ll be a good way at combating my depression and said it’d be a very effective method of stress relief. I realize she shouldn’t be doing things like this with me, that’s why I feel so unsure. She has touched me in the past, but she’s always worn gloves when doing so because she said she didn’t want to cheat on her husband. At first when she touched me with the gloves though she said it was for a thing called ASMR, yet this quickly changed from caressing my face lovingly to full out pulling my pants down and groping. I feel like this sex toy is her way of cheating without feeling guilty instead of actually being a way of helping me with my problems. In fact I feel like she may have created more problems as I feel extremely emotionally dependent on her now and confused. I think I know how things are between us, yet she insists that we’re strictly professional relationship. Sometimes it feels like she’s two personalities in one body. I feel partly like I have to please her and make her happy, yet a part of me knows this is wrong and that the right thing to do would be report her. I could never betray her though. I am loyal to her and want her to be happy. I have considered that I am possibly just a victim of my own emotions and being groomed, however not sure if I can believe it. Your post was posted in 2009, have things improved since then? Did you ever get over your therapist and how did you leave them in the first place?

    • Please, please, please stop seeing this woman immediately. Do not have any further contact with her. She is not only grooming you she has completely crossed the line and is in total violation of therapeutic boundaries. What she is doing is absolutely wrong.

      I understand your feeling loyal to her and not wanting to betray her. However, what she is doing is against the law. And if she’s doing it to you she may be doing it to others. Even if you don’t want to protect others from her, please protect yourself. It is absolutely critical that you stop seeing her and do NO CONTACT. Do not see her, do not speak to her in person or by phone, email or text. THAT is how I was able to get away from my therapist. And I had people I trusted telling me that he had violated me and that he should be held responsible–and I believed them. I believed that he had stolen from me by charging me for sessions which were mainly about sexual activity. Yes, I worried about betraying him, but I chose to value myself more than I valued him and took legal action. So, is her life more valuable than yours? If you think the answer is yes, then that is where your healing starts. You are both equal and she needs to take responsibility for her own life. Let her do that.

      This woman may be in need of her own mental health support. You can help her get that by filing a complaint and/or pursuing criminal charges.

      Please love yourself enough to get yourself away from this woman. She is harming you (and perhaps others) and should not be allowed to practice.

  • First I want to say THANK YOU for putting this out here. It is not easy to find how to deal with a therapist grooming an adult of childhood sex abuse.
    My friend has had HORRIBLE abuse as a child & is seeing a therapist that is “grooming” her. He is each time she goes to him, pushing the boundaries with her & she can’t confront him, she’s afraid to say anything. She is totally uncomfortable with his touching, hugging & sexual comments.
    He knows what she has gone through, he knows TOO much & I feel he’s using all that to get what he wants from her.
    I told her to STOP SEEING HIM NOW! He’s going to do more to harm her. HE already has 🙁
    Please help me . . . what can she do? I want her to turn him in but we know how that goes.
    I am truly scared for her 🙁

    • Hi Sandi,
      You did the right thing in telling her to stop seeing him. The best possible thing for her to do is to initiate NO CONTACT. Try pointing her toward information and resources such as this site, TELL (, and perhaps some of the narcissistic abuse sites. (Check the links in the right sidebar for some possibilities.) You may want to check in with an attorney or the police to find out about the laws in your state. Keep supporting her and keep letting her know your concerns. Keep telling her that what he is doing is wrong and that she is being violated. Sometimes it takes a while for someone to get it. And keep in mind that fear can keep someone in a relationship, so don’t judge her for what she is or is not doing. Stand beside her and let her know you’re there for her and that you care about her well-being.


  • I was sexually assaulted twice by my therapist. I pressed criminal charges and there is another victim, so he is agreeing to a plea agreement. My question is how can I help my boyfriend to understand that this was not an affair? He seems to understand to an extent, and then he tells me that he just doesn’t understand how I kept it from him for so long and asks me why I didn’t feel guilty when it was happening. He clearly doesn’t understand that I did not consent to sex with my therapist, nor is it possible for a patient to consent to sex with their therapist. It seems like he gets it for a bit, and then he has these comments that make me realize he isn’t seeing it for what it is…he’s seeing it more as an affair. I have a new therapist now, a female whom I trust completely, and I plan on bringing him to therapy with me so maybe she can help explain it, but in the meantime are there any resources or books that anyone knows about? I read the article on the TELL website written by the husband of a survivor and the article about consent and passed those along to him, I’m just looking for any resources I can get my hands on. The part that stings the most is the fact that my abuser has multiple victims and has admitted his guilt by agreeing to a plea agreement, and yet my boyfriend still can’t see this for what it was.

    • Hi J,

      I apologize for the delay in response.

      I’m so sorry for what you went through! It can be hard for people to “get it,” especially if they don’t fully grasp the relationship dynamic between a therapist and patient. Offhand, I can’t think of any resources in particular that would be helpful, but check out the articles here and on other sites and also check the book list. I, too, was in a relationship after the abuse, where my boyfriend got it intellectually and would then say things that felt incredibly hurtful and blaming. It was very hard for me to deal with that. (And it was on a laundry list of issues that resulted in my leaving the relationship.)

      Do you believe that he WANTS to get it and wants to support you? That’s the bottom line. If he wants to get it, then going with you to a therapy appointment and reading information about therapy abuse and (lack of) consent may be helpful. But you may also need to get to the bottom of why he feels the need to put blame and guilt onto you. That’s a relationship issue between the two of you and doesn’t really have that much to do with the abuse. That’s about him and about your dynamic together. I don’t know if you would want to consider couples counseling (and finding yet another trustworthy therapist), but you may need to find someone to work with the two of you around this. While your personal therapist may be able to do one or two adjunct sessions, she will not be able to provide couples counseling, since that requires someone to hold objectivity for the both of you.

      I hope this provides some perspective on the situation. I wish I had an easy answer for you. If I think of something particularly helpful to partners, I’ll let you know. I know there are some comments here and there on the site from partners of victims, but I don’t know exactly where they are.

      All the best to you!

  • I was groomed for sexual abuse by my boss. He befriended me and was everything a friend should be for a while until I totally trusted him. He slowly started to use abusive tactics but they were covert and I didn’t see them. He would be very complimentary at times and other times put me down or use the silent treatment/sulking to make me feel badly for him. He was always the victim. He called and texted me a lot but also did this with my other coworkers (or at least portrayed this). He slowly specialized our relationship, made me believe I had some interest in him. He came on to me one night and in later incidences attempted to have physical contact. I can know see that he used guilt and blame to keep me trapped in the relationship, making me believe that I also wanted what he was doing. He used gas lighting as well as underlying threats coupled with positive reinforcement of good treatment at work. I am still salvaging myself from what I’ve been through and uncovering the full extent of his abuse. I have a wonderful husband and a good life but have been truly rocked and knocked down by all that I have been through. However I am determined to put the guilt and blame and shame back on the abuser where it belongs. No one deserves to go through this or to take the blame for the abuse that has been pushed on them. I will and am overcoming this! Thank you for this wonderful site that gives us so much good information so that we can say goodbye to all of this abuse and move forward in the good lives we deserve.

  • Hello, thank you for sharing your story. You are so articulate and everything you are saying is so relavant, even may years later.
    I am 27 years old and one day contacted my teacher and requested if I join him in some projects. He said yes and we started chatting via email and on whatsapp. The chats moved from formal tone to none formal tone and he would send smiley faces and tell me what he is up to. He told me that he wanted me to be his assistant in the some of the projects he was carrying out. I was so excited and happy and despite having a stable job I loved, I was very thrilled with the idea of being mentored by him considering his broad experience and wide array of networks. I was also excited about joining him in a new city and us starting to work on projects. He came for some short work visit in my town in a city that is a bit far away and suggested that I could join him. He introduced me to his colleagues and introduced me as one of his students. We slept in the same hotel room and on the first day, there was so much sexual attraction, so we kissed and slept in the same bed. He said that he was in love with me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and I was so flattered to think that a man of such high calibre as him would even take interest in me. He bought me gifts during our 4 day stay and a month later we planned how I would join him in his country, I was now his girlfriend. The details of the type of work I would be doing when I got to his country were quite vague and he asked me to simply trust him. I got to that country into his house and I found out that I would be sleeping with him on his bed every night and in all our interactions he was very sexual with me, just like a boyfriend. He expected me to focus on my education for the first month, like simply stay indoors studying and finishing up my work and then the next 3 coming months as I had a 4 month visa, we would travel the world, go on holidays and I would get involved in some projects. We are from different races and so on my second day at his house, he said very demeaning things about people of my race, he said that they are lazy, dirty and smelly. I was a little upset because it sounded insensitive and I called him out on it and he said that I was being too sensitive and should understand it is a joke. The third day, he cooked and we were having a normal conversation over dinner and I told him I am not a huge fan of a certain type of food but I would definately acquire the taste overtime. He got very furious and even forced me to eat the food saying it is so expensive and I should be grateful instead of complaining. It was two weeks gone and I was starting to get nauseated for staying indoors all along, I simply wanted to go outside and see what the city holds but when I asked him if we could go out, he was always too busy or complained that it was too cold outside and that I need to focus on my studies so I just stayed indoors. He expected me to learn his mother-tongue and start speaking it to him and his friends even if I was making mistakes, he told me that I should at least make an effort and not just sit around. He asked me to start integrating and every evening would should at me, “INTEGRATE!” By this he meant, that I should at least try to speak his language. I am normally very introverted and I felt threatened to learn his language or else I would lose him and due to this, my brain just could not function. He would also often tell me “Go back to where you came from” and he would often tell me that my country is so underdeveloped and somewhat made me feel as though I should be very excited about being in his developed country and that I was not making sufficient effort to integrate. During supper time, he would speak to his friends in his native language and I would often be left out and there was a day I did not understand what he was saying but I suspect that he said some negative things about me because his friends would laugh and look at me suspiciously. I felt isolated.
    We eventually had sex and immediately we did, I was a little nervous and I told him how I was feeling and he asked me ” are you like this because you gave me your body?” and he laughed and talked to his friend who was with us at the table, he told him “she thinks she came all the way to do sexual experiments with me.” I just wanted to do what people in normal relationships do, talk about how I am feeling with my partner and maybe even joke about it. The next day we had sex, he asked me to eff him like I eff other men in my country. I lay myself down and let him in and he made me feel like a slut for having sex with me. In the evening he asked me how many men I had slept with because the previous night I was too aggressive in bed and then told me that he would get me pregnant and after him, I would then go out and get children with 10 other men.
    Remember, I had quit my well paying job to go and be with him, I was sure everything would work out.
    So he would teach me how to hold a fork, how to use a napkin while eating, how to behave. He even pointed out that I was being rude and bad mannered when I yawned without putting my hand on my mouth. I once asked him for money to buy a sim-card line since I was in this new country and he gave me a few coins and I asked him if we could go buy the simcard, I just needed a chance to go out of the house and expeience the breeze outside, he told me that, I should not be in a hurry to buy it because I could use whatsapp. All this while, he said I was in charge of the relationship and that he loved me.

    A time came and I became completely afraid of this man, I could not express myself to him, I felt like I was walking on eggshells while staying at his house and I felt like I was unfortunate for having being born in a poor continent. My self esteem was crushed to the point I could not do normal functions, I became like a zombie living in his house, simply following his orders and not questioning anything because if I did, I would be met with questions. My brain came to a complete shut-down. I was depressed and I simply told him that I had a family emergency and I needed to go home. He critisized me for it and told his friends that I had been unable to integrate. He however said that I should have been patient and fought for him and tried to understand him.
    When I came back to my country, my mom was happy to see me and for 2 weeks I was in a zombie like state, I think I became psychotic because I would sit and stare at places for almost 4 hours, I was depressed, I was suicidal, I was sad, I felt worthless and I had lost everything. My job and I was unhappy with being in the other country. Regardless of all this, Mr. T still contacted me daily on my phone and we would chat. One day after I felt like I was loosing it, I went to live at my friends house and it was then I realized the gravity of what I had experienced. Whenever I would see things associated to the house I was in, I would break into tears and cry. Every day I would have two emotional outbreaks and it was really hard to express what I went through because I thought it was all my fault, I should have done sufficient research and not just moved into a new country for love.

    During my time with him I learned that he was in a relationship with another girl he was teaching and they fell out when she could not.. “integrate.”
    I am now in my country, I still talk to Mr. T, he still wants me to go back and I think I am still in denial.
    Oh, when I arrived to my country I was put on medication and the man never ever wanted to discuss anything about whether I was happy or not. He simply pretenteded that everything was okay and he told me to stop being too sensitive.

    I later read all I could find about abusive relationships and mental health and I am still in denial because I still feel like he did nothing wrong and we still talk everyday and I still feel depressed after chats with him and I still cannot let him know what I am feeling.

    Reading about grooming has made me understand that I was probably groomed!

    Thanks for sharing your experience!

    • Hi Yvette,
      Thank you for sharing your story. I am deeply sorry to hear about the pain and suffering you have been through. I want to assure you that this man is a predator who engaged you in an extremely controlling and abusive relationship. Please do not blame yourself! It can be very hard to spot a predator, since they often come across as very charming and knowledgeable. This man was in a position of power, took advantage of you and abused your trust in so many ways.

      I strongly encourage you to stop all contact with this person, since he will continue to have a controlling effect on you as long as you’re communicating with him. Can you tell him you need a break and stop all contact with him? Is there someone you can go to for support? A counselor or spiritual advisor, or a wise friend you could talk to? Please try to get some support to help you get completely out of this relationship and help you heal from the abuses.

  • Thank you so much for replying to me. I am still in touch with him and am thinking of how I can stop talking to him. I got a counsellor but I stopped attending the sessions when she seemed to start siding with him by telling me that I wanted the relationship and I got it and she simply made conclusions a little too fast.
    I am not as badly off psychologically as I was in August and September but I realise that I feel trapped, like entangled in a web of his control because I cannot seem to let go of thoughts of him.
    I dumped him via email a few days ago and he told me to stop being silly and be grateful for all he did for me, buying a flight ticket for me. He told me he will not accept negative messages from me, that he only wants messages of love and would never tell me anything to wound me emotionally.
    I immediately felt guilty and apologised for dumping him.
    I will be travelling to Rome for 10 days in December to spend time with him.
    I know I need to stop communicating with him and I intend to take that vacation.time to break up with him for good and tell him that if he is not ready to engage with me professionally, we should stop.
    In the back of my mind, I have hopes that he might give me an opportunity as a protege only and he will not pursue me.

    I have lost a lot of focus because he promised me about so many projects that he could involve me in but he gives me such.little details about them, about how much money I could get paid, the visa I would get, the career prospects. Quite vague information.
    I feel like I lost the power to question all these things the day I became his girlfriend because anytime I would ask.such questions, he would ask me, “I thought me and want to spend the rest of your life with me”

    I’m a little confused. He is a predator I agree but I feel trapped and I need to break free.
    I will get another counsellor and see how I could get help.
    Thank you so much Kristi!!!!

    • Hi Yvette,
      I hear that you are struggling with this situation, wanting to leave but still wanting him to fulfill some of your hopes. Is that true? Please understand that as a predator, he will say whatever he needs to to control you and to keep you attached to him and under his influence. As long as you continue to engage with him in any way, he will nurture your attachment to him and take advantage of that. He will always take your power or get you to give your power to him, and then turn things around to make them your fault and your responsibility. Do you see how he’s trying to control you and your emotions by telling you what to feel and how to act? In truth, you are your own person and can act however you want! This cannot ever be a healthy relationship, personal or professional, no matter how much you may want that or believe it’s possible. I am so sorry for that. It’s easy to want to hang on and believe that good things are possible, and he will do whatever he can to keep that dream alive in you — but he cannot fulfill it.

      I’m hoping that you can find a good counselor who will believe you and support you, and that you claim your strength and your power and leave him for good. You deserve someone who respects you and treats you with integrity and honor. Remember that. And don’t settle for anything less than that, from anyone.

      All the best!

  • You have no idea how helpful the information you are providing me is.
    It's like I was blind to some of the things that should be so clear and apparent, the fact that he is controlling.
    I feel like you are helping me find some clarity on  some of the things. That I want to leave but still hopefully benefit professionally and that this can never be a healthy relationship.
    I have finally found someone who understands me.
    I realise I need to break free and I hope to find a good counsellor.
    Thank you Kristi.
    Keep doing your good work, you are helping many women and your work will not go unrewarded!

    • Thanks, Yvette!
      Wishing you love and peace!

      • Update: I fell into depression because of the relationship. But the good news is, I was finally able to break free from the situation. I went for about 10 counselling sessions, got out of the depression. Found a well paying job, made new friends, started training people on mental health. I recently found another amazing job in my country that will give me an opportunity to travel all over the world. My family has been my greatest support. Your website helped me know that whatever was happening was wrong. God bless you Kristi!

  • Hi Kristi
    Reading the comments and replies has been very helpful. I was stuck in an unhealthy emotional entanglement for just a year. Thankfully, I’m now in the recovery stage. Looking back, I now think there were distinct elements of grooming which I ignored and misinterpreted as friendship and love. The backdrop is a hobby I took up again at night class. The tutor seemed to hone into me quite quickly and started to touch and caress my hands, back, arms, standing very close to me while praising me for my work. This appeared to happen to me more than other members of my group, but I can’t be absolutely certain of that. However, the way he looked at me was different to other class members. I must admit it was flattering to receive this kind of attention. I felt drawn to them, thought about them all the time and couldn’t wait until the next class. I am married – he lives with his partner but apparently they lead separate lives.

    Allowing my emotions to dictate, I said things I wouldn’t normally share about my life and emotions. I really felt as if I was falling in love, and showed my appreciation for their help and interest by thanking them, sending occasional emails and texts. These were fairly low key, focusing only on my work and the passion I felt learning new skills.

    Then the hot and cold treatment started – I was ignored or left out of group assignments, my work was criticised in front of others. My ambitions for extending knowledge, curtailed or narrowed down to exactly where I was currently placed. I sometimes felt as if I was walking on eggshells. Then other times the touching and eye contact would spontaneously start again – despite my best intentions to remain detached, my feelings would re-ignite.

    I knew I was being emotionally unfaithful to my partner, but justified myself by saying these feelings were unstoppable. My partner was unaware of the deception. The tutor and I never actually discussed the attraction between us, though on one occasion he privately mentioned he enjoyed keeping a big secret between us ! I felt torn – this was a very unequal partnership where a tutor had overall control over everything. I began to feel stripped of any power or confidence to reciprocate or voice my feelings. I started to lose faith in my ability to see situations clearly. My life with my partner and family was definitely affected. I couldn’t focus on anything else properly. I felt frustrated as there was no proper give or take, nor any possibility of a healthy, reciprocal relationship with the other person.

    A long summer holiday ensued with very little contact. This was apart from an email from them, when they said they missed me and implied that we should meet up. I replied, saying I couldn’t meet up with them. When the course started again, I tried to remain detached, but this proved difficult, as the touching started all over again. They called me darling on one occasion. My emotions were in turmoil, especially when the hot and cold treatment reoccurred.

    Finally two months later I’ve quit the course. I won’t be instigating any further contact with them. I wrote to them, giving practical reasons such as family responsibilities, thanking them for assistance with my work. But I also took ownership for my own powerful feelings and responses – that there was an unhealthy edge to them, they weren’t good for either of us – above all, that I felt it was time to move on. I didn’t see the point of criticising their actions, as I feel a likely response would’ve been one of denial, in my opinion. Since then I’ve deleted them from my email account, and phone list. I‘ve started a new course with a very different tutor. I never had a satisfactory reply from them. I don’t know whether they’re upset or indifferent.

    What I now feel ? Disappointed in myself for not being more restrained and self-aware. Guilty for doing something behind my partner’s back. Missing them terribly as clearly there were good things mixed into that experience. This guy had a lovable and interesting side to his personality. I miss the emotion, the high from being thought attractive. I worry that they’re hiding hurt, too and won’t be able to move on. However, it’s becoming ever more clear to me not to let this form of unhealthy relationship happen again. I need to discover why I responded in the way I did. Especially why I allowed myself to be drawn into such an unhealthy scenario ? I think there were elements of grooming, or manipulative behaviour, whether the other person was able to recognise this or not, I’ll never know.

    I wasn’t able to see the wood for the trees. Now the contour part of the wood is in clear view. I’d like to focus on reviving my steady, loving relationship with my partner. I need to understand why the other person could only offer a pale and illusory version of true happiness. I hope anyone who’s trapped in a similar scenario is likewise able to let go, move on with their lives, propelling themselves into a better, happier, healthier future. Self-forgiveness, cultivating self-knowledge and seeing through other people’s true motives is the first step to long-lasting recovery. A time for self-reflection, moving onwards, hope…..thank you for reading this.


    • Hi Giuditta,

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience! Much like a teacher, the tutor-student relationship also has a power dynamic that can be manipulated and used to advantage. It’s important to recognize that the tutor had a responsibility to uphold boundaries and chose not to. That he did that was his choice and not in any way your responsibility.

      It sounds to me like you do have a high level of self-awareness and a desire to learn and grow. That’s so great! And as you say:

      Self-forgiveness, cultivating self-knowledge and seeing through other people’s true motives is the first step to long-lasting recovery.

      You are spot on!

      I want to say: In situations like this, we do the best we can. While it’s important to take responsibility for our choices and things we have control over, we are not responsible for someone else’s choices and behavior. Nor can we ever know or perhaps fully understand why they acted the way they did. Always the best thing for a person’s recovery is to focus on oneself, on learning why we were vulnerable, and instead of blaming ourselves or making ourselves feel bad, to instead use it as a learning opportunity to grow and be able to make different choices.

      All the best to you!

  • I’m a bit nervous. Your article resonated with me. When I was in my final 2 years of high school I saw the school counsellor for my mental health issues, and dealing with my sexuality. My counsellor was extremely helpful and kind. Although she was straight and was married, she took a real interest in getting to know how I felt. I became extremely attached to her, as she was my only source of comfort and support. Whilst nothing inappropriate happened during those two years (besides a hug), the year after I finished school I kept in contact with her as she was the only person I trusted, and if I lost her, I would spiral out of control. We emailed all the time, and every now and I then I went into her office at school for a catch up and to talk about things. It was there she mentioned to me her marriage has ended.
    She mentioned she wanted to be my friend. She also told me she’s been struggling with her sexuality too and had starting dating a woman, and I was the first person she had told. I felt really special that she trusted me!
    She asked me out to dinner for another catch up, and it was there afterwards I met her new girlfriend. I felt special she trusted me to meet her. They trusted me because I was gay too and knew I wouldn’t out them.
    Now that we were friends, I started to see her in new light, she’d call me over late at night because she was struggling. She was an alcoholic, highly depressed and suicidal. The marriage breakdown, dealing with her sexuality, the fact her new girlfriend was cheating on her boyfriend to be with her, financial issues and alcoholism was taking its toll on her. It was a complete role reversal and I felt I owed it to her to be there for her, as she had been there for me, even though I didn’t have any answers or even the emotional strength or ability or maturity to deal with it myself.
    I knew this wasn’t her, she was my hero, my idol and I became so attached to her. It was hard seeing her like this.
    A few times I stayed over til late in the morning trying to prevent her from harming herself.

    One time on the couch she made her move on me. She kissed me. And then things started progressing. I was shocked, couldn’t speak, went along with it, and eventually welcomed the affection as I wanted to keep her happy and not angry in case she did something silly to herself. I needed her in my life.
    Over the next 6 months we often slept together. Followed by myself being told it was a mistake and she didn’t love me. I would cry, and agree it was a mistake. It was back and forth. Emotional rollercoaster. There were times I didn’t want to have sex, but ended up going along as I didn’t know how to say no, and maybe I did want it? There was a time I said “what about your girlfriend, we shouldn’t be doing this to her” as my way of trying to prevent it, but she told me not to worry about it, that’ll be okay, the gf understood what was happening and it was okay.
    There were times I initiated it or went along because I didn’t know how else to comfort her. She wanted to die, and I just wanted her safe and to feel loved. Please note I was not attracted to her, never enjoyed being intimate, sometimes it was painful, and so this relationship puzzled me. I felt I loved her.
    I started to want it to feel needed and special, but then I didn’t want it at the same time because it was damaging to me. She told me people were allowed to know we are friends but nothing more, I had to keep her sexuality a secret (which I would), the sexual relationship secret and her issues a secret. Which I did too.
    She also told me if I ever seek help and this comes up, not to tell anyone she was my counsellor at school.
    Many of times I would be wrestling her to not physically harm herself, I was constantly worried she would harm herself and I would lose her forever.
    Every now and then she’d tell me she wants to keep a distance because she knew how I felt about her (I had developed feelings and a huge dependency) but I would beg her, or guilt her into talking to me or seeing me again.

    When she started withdrawing completely due to her mental health and her wanting to move forward, I continued to beg her to let me see her (I still needed her too? Without her, I had no one to talk to and had no support).
    Eventually we ceased talking but it’s taken me years (I’m now 30, I was 19 at the time) to get over it all and I feel like perhaps I was groomed? I never thought about her like that until it happened and Once I was in the situation I didn’t know what to do. I felt she was using me to explore her sexuality and even though 10 years older than me, she still knew I wouldn’t tell on her.
    She also knew everything about me, she was the only one I had spoken to about my anxiety and depression and even though I was still in the midst of these issues, I owed her to be there for her too.
    I know I paid a huge role in it also. I became obsessed with her and ended up liking and needing the attention even though I wasn’t sure I wanted it.
    I don’t know if this is something I should talk about or just try work through myself. I’ve wanted to talk to a psych about it but worried they’ll report or try get her in trouble- which I do not want. Because i feel she’s a good person, she was just going through major life changes and mental health issues, and with the alcohol I feel she wasn’t being her true self.
    She is now out and proud, still with the same woman and they have a family now, and I really don’t want anything to destroy that.
    She no longer counsels either. I don’t think she’s a predator, it was just a shit situation that shouldn’t have happened. I’m still just dealing with the trauma of it all.

    • Hi Confused,

      Thank you for sharing your story.
      Please try to get some help for working through this. While this may have been more a situation of someone in the midst of her own struggles and mental/behavioral health issues going down a “slippery slope,” she did very much take advantage of her power and authority in the situation to get her needs met from you. That was completely inappropriate, a violation, and should never have happened. It was her responsibility to uphold and maintain the boundaries, and she did not do that. That’s not your responsibility. Her actions and lack of boundaries created a situation where you were dependent on her and wanted to take care of her, and were taking care of her needs, instead of her taking care of yours — or her own. Even after the counseling relationship ended, she should have known better and sought other means of support. She completely took advantage of you and you have been paying the price.

      It’s completely understandable that you’re still dealing with the trauma. I really encourage you to find a trustworthy counselor or other practitioner to work with and not try to do this all on your own. I also hope you can find some comfort, as you read different stories on this website, and know that you’re not alone.

      All the best!

  • I’m so glad I found these comments. I have been through such a similar grooming experience with my physiotherapist. It started off so subtly but I soon began to have very deep feelings for him. He chipped away at my boundaries. Then he became more and more forward and the relationship became sexual.
    He initially dismissed our first fully sexual encounter, saying that he wanted to get back with his ex, which devastated me, as I felt I had done something above and beyond what I would have thought I would have done, and presumed there was something special between us for either of us to have taken such a risk. He said some quite cruel things. But I had such deep feelings for him that i just wanted him ‘back’.
    Despite my misgivings, I still went back for my next scheduled therapy appointment and another encounter happened, this time in the therapy room.
    He ignored me in between appointments and when I did return to clinic and I tried to explain how upset I was feeling, he was cruel again. He told me I shouldn’t expect anything from him as we weren’t in a relationship. He said it was only a bit of fun and I should stop making a big deal out of things etc.
    It’s so hard to find advice or support. I know some people would say I was a fully consenting adult. I’m in the UK and although he could be sanctioned by his professional regulatory body, what he has done is not classed as abuse, assault etc, and is certainly not classed as a criminal act.
    Yet it should have more consequences for physio and other health care professionals – I have been left in such a state emotionally and still feel I can’t report him.

    • Hi Thea,
      Thanks for sharing your story. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through! If you are saying that he was sexual toward you during a session that you were paying for, then surely that must be against the law in the UK, or at least an egregious breach of ethics and standards. I would double-check with both his licensing board and an attorney.

      Regardless, it’s important that you have someone you trust whom you can talk to about what happened, whether it’s a counselor, a health practitioner, a spiritual advisor, or a friend or family member. Do try to get yourself some support because whether or not the law recognizes it, you have been a victim of serious misconduct.

      There’s lots to read here on the website and I hope you find some of it helpful.

      All the best to you!

      • Hi Kristi, thanks for replying so soon.
        Things happened both in and out of the therapy room. I wasn’t paying directly as it was an occupational health referral through my workplace, so they paid for the sessions.
        There is no law he has broken as far as I can tell as I consented at the time, and neither adult grooming nor a relationship with a patient are actually illegal here. (I would be more than happy to be proven wrong on that though!)
        I could report him to the professional body that oversees all healthcare services and he could face being struck off. In fact I have done as much but have not yet given his name. They confirmed he could face severe sanctions whether I theoretically consented or not – it is an ethical boundary that he never should have crossed.
        That said, because I consented and responded, and even perhaps initiated some things, I blame myself so very much and feel embarrassed to report him fully. I know he would say I was just as much at fault because he has more or less indicated that that is what he actually thinks…
        So I would say I was groomed and perhaps manipulated and exploited, but I don’t know if it would be classed as abuse over here, and there are no specific organisations who seem to deal with things like this.

        • Hi Thea,

          I’m sorry I don’t know more about UK resources. We’ve definitely had website visitors from the UK, so you might search the site for their comments (try the search field in the right sidebar). As I said, I’d be really shocked if having a sexual encounter with a client/patient during a session isn’t against the law in some way. Insurers aren’t paying for health care providers to have sex with patients! It’s a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Maybe look for an attorney who specializes in sexual harassment and see what they say.

          I just did a quick search and found this woman – you may want to check her out and see if she can help you or refer you to someone who can.

          Good luck!

  • I’m just reading again some of these comments and noted Giuditta’s post.
    Like me, the person targeting her was not a mental health professional (for her it was a tutor, for me a physiotherapist) but there were still ethical boundaries in place which never should have been crossed by the abusers.
    What is interesting is that in so far as I can tell (and apologies if I am wrong) Guidetta’s encounter never included full on sexual contact, but the grooming, the touching, the emotional manipulation left her reeling and was quite devastating. What I would like to add is that in the first ‘half’ of my story, my situation was almost identical. It was more about the grooming, the touch, the emotional manipulation and the bloody flirting… and you know what, it left me reeling too. So much so that when my therapy ended (the first time around) I experienced a full on panic attack. I thought I was going to die as I was having pains in my chest and I was hyperventilating. Day to day, I couldn’t sleep and couldn’t eat. I cried. It was torturous.
    For me this tell us just how much devastation can be caused by so-called professionals who cross boundaries and use the power imbalance to manipulate victims. It doesn’t have to be about sex, and it doesn’t have to be a mental health therapist.
    My story continued in that I was re-referred for a second round of therapy and then the abuse (because I AM going to call it that now) became even more sexualised.
    I was besotted with this therapist by now. The period in between treatments had not diminished my feelings for him. This man had me just where he wanted me. I ‘loved’ him and I ‘missed’ him and I would have done anything to get him ‘back’. The relationship turned fully sexual, and m the cycles of narcissistic therapist abuse continued….
    On reflection, something that has only occurred to me as I write this post, the physio discharged me too early the first time around and I never understood why. I still had pain in some areas. Even my employers who had referred me/were funding treatment commented on it – they were happy to fund more, so why had he signed me off? It just meant there was a longer delay between treatments because we had to go through all the paperwork for a full re-referral, when HE could have just recommended a further series of sessions – he’d done that before so why actually discharge me this time??
    Was the discharge part of his long term plan, so that I would be so desperate when I eventually saw him again that I would do anything to keep him?!?!
    The more I think about it, the more I think I might be right there….

  • Thank you for sharing your story Kristi and to all the brave women that have shared theirs. I didn’t know grooming was a widespread thing and many people have experienced it. I’m also a grooming victim. Of course, at the time, I just felt like I was crazy and prone to making bad decisions. Mine was my manager. He saw through my vulnerabilities, struck up a friendship with me, told me personal things about himself and I felt like I had to offer the same. He found out everything he needed to know. Then, he started talking to me about his philosophy of polyamory and challenging my more conservative views. Before I met him, I was a virgin and was planning on finding the right man to be with and marry before I ever had sex. He seemed completely harmless and the physical contact started with hugging. He offered to let me babysit his daughter and I saw in her what I felt in myself- she was alone and neglected. He put all the blame for all his problems on his wife because she was diagnosed with bipolar and had already had 2 breakdowns. I felt that he needed me and I wanted to help him and provide him the support he needed. He started inviting me to do things with him outside of work, all seemingly harmless. I acquiesced as I was lonely and felt like I needed a friend. The physical contact progressed as he tried to help me learn acting by kissing me (we were both taking an acting class at the time). I refused. I wouldn’t kiss my manager and learn more about acting at the same time. After trying three more times with me refusing after he tried every time, he hugged me as my shift was ending and ended up succeeding in kissing me and becoming very physical. I was afraid he was going to have sex with me but thankfully that didn’t happen. He ended our exchange by saying we were in a relationship now and wasn’t it wonderful? I was excited to finally be noticed and seen by an attractive man as I had felt invisible and unloveable before. I had been sexually abused by my dad growing up and had experienced bullying by the guys at my middle school and high school, so he definitely picked the most vulnerable victim he could find. I lost my virginity to him, he pressured me to do more sexual things than I was comfortable with, wanted me to have sex with women (which I was not comfortable doing). I dated (if you could even call it that) him for a year and it was the worst year of my life. I got so lonely that I ended up getting together with other guys who didn’t respect me or really care for me. He thought it was fine as he understood he couldn’t always be with me. He had a family to go home to after work. I was so miserable but felt that I couldn’t leave because I worked with him and I loved him too much to leave him. He wanted me to not tell anyone that we were together. Only after I realized that he was grooming other girls and dating other women that I realized that I was a fool and that my soul would die if I continued being in a relationship with him. Having a close relationship with his young daughter did not help as it sucked me in even more and I felt so guilty for wanting to leave him because she would be alone. It took me becoming very angry for me to break things off with him. I received another job offer and was able to leave my job with him and that helped me break everything off with him. I’ve since found someone who really loves and cares for me. He’s not perfect, but he’s steady, dependable, and completely healthy in our relationship. The psychology of being groomed is very complex to the victims as you equate your experience with love and wonder why your new partner does not make you feel the same way. My new partner does not love bomb me or manipulate me. He has been very patient with me as I’ve begun to make sense and heal from my experience. I’m now getting my masters in counseling and am determined to help other women that have been abused. I have a wonderful counselor that helped me get out of the terrible situation I was in. I’m grateful for the honesty and bravery of all the women that have posted and just wanted to let everyone know that recovery is possible, although it may take longer than one hopes. Thank you everyone for sharing and I hope my story helps.

    • Evie,
      Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I’m so sorry for what you went through. Your manager took something precious from you and caused great harm. I am glad for your recovery and that you have someone healthy and steady in your life now and that you are moving forward!
      All the best to you!

  • I recently learned the term grooming and I think I’m experiencing it right now.

    My boss joined our company about a year ago and we connected easily. He loved the city that I like, played the sport that I like and even joined the gym that I go to. There was just two of us in the team and he always paid for lunch (even when I insisted), he was dependable and nice to everyone. He was supportive of my ideas too. He would also give me gifts. Nothing extravagant but definitely more than what other bosses would give. It was great to have him.

    Like me, people in the company loved him too. He would food for everyone, he was more helpful/more caring about the employees than our CEO.

    The only thing about him is that he would occasionally make sexual remarks. Like the first few weeks that I met him, he would tell stories about sex, him being naked, or like getting me comfortable about sleeping in a hotel. He knew I was single and that I never had a boyfriend. These stuff would make me uncomfortable but I would just let it pass.

    Sometimes, I would question myself and think that maybe it’s all in my head because he would also tell me stories about his wife. By the way, he also told me that he has an arrangement with his wife.

    And reading all this, it’s hard to accept because I admire and trust him a lot. I’d like to believe that he’s a genuinely nice guy. But all the signs are there. I get so confused. Sometimes he makes me think that I want it too.

    Thank God nothing has happened yet, but I don’t know what to do now. I love my job and I don’t want to leave. I still want to work with him because he’s really good at what he does. But I don’t want this grooming to progress to sex, I don’t want him to make any sexual remarks, I don’t want him to confuse me anymore. Am I crazy??

    • Hi Shane,
      I’m sorry to hear about what you’re going through. Unfortunately, you ARE being groomed and you are being sexually harassed. What really concerns me is this: “I get so confused. Sometimes he makes me think that I want it too.” That tells me that he is actively trying to emotionally and psychologically manipulate you.

      I understand that he seems nice and is charismatic and does a great job (especially of getting people to like him). Many abusers and manipulators are very charming and charismatic, which is why it can be hard to believe that they’re not “good guys” (or gals). And that also makes it harder to take a stand against them.

      I have no expertise in sexual harassment, so I can’t advise you in what you should do. Can you talk to HR or could that put you in jeopardy? I highly recommend talking to someone — maybe outside the company — about your legal options and getting some support, both emotional and legal. You need to be able to tell someone you trust what’s going on so that they can be there with a reality check. (NOT someone who is going to be in denial or tell you it’s all okay.) And I would suggest writing down everything that happens, with dates, if someone else was around, etc. Keep a record. You may need it. And it may also help you see that you’re not crazy and that he’s absolutely crossing the line.

      I hear that you love your job and I understand how hard this is. You can try setting boundaries with him and see what happens. But get some support, some people on your side. And make sure you document whatever happens. Again, there may be outside professionals who can advise you about this, so I encourage you to seek out some help.

      Also, if you can, try to avoid being alone with him and don’t stay late at work unless there’s someone else around.

      Good luck and take care!

  • Hi Kirsti,
    Thank you for sharing your story. Just 6 weeks ago I realised that my counsellor id been seeing for 6 years, has been grooming me. Or was he? Now and then I sting cling onto a little hope he really DID care for me and I’ve betrayed him. Something I said I’d never do – he’d say, You’d never betray me, would you?
    I went to him for depression and anxiety, child neglect, low self esteem, sexual abuse aged 16 years, marriage problems, self harming, etc etc
    He used an office at my workplace. He’d start helping me out at work, he was kind, charming, gave me gifts, etc
    Early in counselling he asked if I thought I was in love with him . No!! I was shocked. We discussed transference and I thought thank goodness for that. I’m not in love with him. I’m married and have never shown interest in other men. Why would I?! I met my husband aged 17, married at 19…I’m now 50.
    He’d drop in to my workplace to say hi. He and his partner(!) helped me out in many ways. Yet, I let him touch me sexually. The first time I couldn’t believe it was happening! Didn’t know how to stop it…and I enjoyed it! Immediately afterwards, I felt confused, was crying. He said sorry, it won’t happen again. But it did…too many times. He’d suggest we end counselling, if I was upset. I’d panic. I depended on him. He’d become the father I needed (he’s old enough to be my father!) the love of my life – even though I’m married! My best friend. My…everything. He’d text me early morning, late at night, even on holiday. He’d flirt with me. Tell me secrets.
    But he could also be very cruel, dismissive, silent treatment, ignoring my texts, falling out over trivial things. He always managed to make me feel I had done something wrong, never him.
    To everyone else, he was kind, funny, etc
    I started to realise the games he was playing, after a friend told me he was grooming me. No way! I read and read. When I realised I’d been groomed, gaslighted(?) I was a victim. I told my husband. Naively thought he’d understand. But of course, he was terribly hurt. I ended counselling. (By text, then blocked him) My husband phoned my counsellor’s partner and told her. She didn’t seem surprised.
    Now, my marriage is over, my grown up children barely speak to me. Husband said I should’ve told him the very first time it happened. But I was afraid he’d punch him, I’d lose my job, etc I also thought it wouldn’t happen again.
    The fact I let it continue and admitted to enjoying it, SOMETIMES, doesn’t help my situation. But I’m being honest. I was weak. I also felt confused, angry, upset, ashamed, guilty. I self harmed. I still blame myself.
    I still don’t really know what to think about it all. I’m a victim. He was wrong to do it. I was wrong to allow it.
    Any advice would be really appreciated.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Rosa,
      I’m so very very sorry that this happened to you. Your counsellor’s grooming tactics and behaviors were so abusive, and sadly, so very similar to that in so many of our stories. Please understand that what happened wasn’t your fault, that his grooming and violation took away your power of choice and consent (you did not “allow” this), and that MANY abuse victims have a sense of physical/emotional pleasure from the sexual contact. I hope you will read more about this and read other people’s stories. That should help you understand more about what happened to you and allow you to feel less alone.

      Please get some support as you go through the healing process. It’s important to have people around you who believe in you and understand how the dynamic affected your ability to say no. And it’s important that you have support to stop any self-blame. It was his responsibility to uphold the boundaries, to not abuse his power, and he took full advantage. Let that ride on him alone.

      Depending on where you’re located, you may be well within your rights to take legal or administrative action against him. So that would be something to consider. You may want to seek legal counsel.

      Please know that you are not alone, and that there are people who know only too well what you’ve been through.

      Take good care!

  • Update: I fell into depression because of the relationship. But the good news is, I was finally able to break free from the situation. I went for about 10 counselling sessions, got out of the depression. Found a well paying job, made new friends, started training people on mental health. I recently found another amazing job in my country that will give me an opportunity to travel all over the world. My family has been my greatest support. Your website helped me know that whatever was happening was wrong. God bless you Kristi!

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