Do you value the content and resources on the Surviving Therapist Abuse website? Consider making a donation to support the site.
Currently, the web-hosting and domain name fees for the site run approximately $125-$150 per year. While this may not seem like a large amount, it is money that must be paid in order to keep the site alive. If you value the content you see here and would like to ensure that it continues to be available in the future, consider making a financial contribution. Even a donation of $10 can be a big help! (Consider that if 10 people donated $10 each it would cover fees for almost a whole year.)
You can use the Donate button to the right to make a private and secure credit card or checking account donation via PayPal. Any amount will be appreciated and all donations will be put toward current and/or future web-hosting fees.
Please note that since the site is not connected to a non-profit organization, donations are not tax-deductible.
Thank you for your generosity and support!