Ethics Survey –

Thank you to one of our readers for letting me know about website was started by Naomi Heitz, LMBT, who is researching ethics in the healing professions. On the website there is a survey for clients who have experienced breaches of ethics by their healing practitioners and also a survey for practitioners themselves. Naomi is gathering stories and first-person accounts for the website and for a book she is writing.

In Naomi’s words:

Ethics lies at the core of healing professions. Clients put their trust in healers and open to places of great vulnerability. Healers hold the responsibility to respect this trust and provide a safe place for the client to heal. For the benefit of both healers and clients, this project aims to provide a comprehensive look at the personal stories of ethics dilemmas within healing professions, including both traditional health care (medicine, nursing, psychology, etc) and complementary & alternative health care (massage, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, etc).

The scope of the project is broad, covering ethics breaches ranging from sexualized touch by a massage therapist or physician to psycho-emotional manipulation by a spiritual teacher or psychologist. Abuses can occur when a practitioner crosses social, emotional, financial, or sexual boundaries with a client. Abuses also can occur when a practitioner uses techniques outside of the scope of practice for their profession. The effects on the client can range from confusion to feeling uncomfortable to deep violation.

I think we can all agree with that!

You can read more about the project and participate in the survey by going to



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