I came across an article I thought worth sharing. It’s called “10 Ways to Protect Yourself from NLP Mind Control” by Jason Louv. The title sounds a bit scary and magicky, except that there is some really valuable information here about how easy it is for someone to figure out how to manipulate you and how to protect yourself. It’s a long piece but you can just skim to the good stuff. Click below to read the article on Ultraculture.org (which also appears a bit scary and magicky, but hey—you can read the article and then leave…)
10 Ways to Protect Yourself from NLP Mind Control
I want to point out that there are many benefits to NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming), which can be a great tool for personal support. It’s interesting to find out that it is also used by some mentalists—and manipulators—to control people.
I never knew there was a dark side to NLP. My experience with NLP was 100% positive. It’s a great tool to overcome emotional trauma. It’s quick and effective and thus puts healing on a fast track.
Manipulative people may use different techniques in attempt to control another person.
Trusting my gut is always my go to choice when I am feeling weary about a situation.
Hi Sunshine,
Yes, it’s important to point out that NLP can be a wonderful tool. It never occurred to me either that there was a dark side to NLP, but I guess it depends on how it’s used and by whom.
Trusting your gut is a great way to go!
I have recently been abused by some who is a master practionor.
This was a person I was starting to date
She then hypnotised me with out my consent
I feel totally unbalanced since my connection to this woman.
Has she broke any lAws or rules?
Is there anything I can do about this ?
Years ago I started an NLP basic practitioner training.
There were some creepy things. It obviously worked as kind of a pyramid MLM thing. There was a lead teacher, and there were “coaches” on the training, who were said to be there to help the participants to learn the techniques. Most of them did not really help, they were just sitting there and chatting. A few times when we asked for their help they were like “you’ve interrupted our chat”.
Later I learned that they were always chosen by the lead teacher, and they were there for free (!) while the lead teacher received all the high fees for the training.
For a few of us it was obvious that questions were not welcomed (cult-like red flag). Most of the people did not realise this, they seemed to see everything pink.
There were som creepy new-age talk from part of the teacher and the coaches. Like the teacher said that her mission is to raise the vibration of humanity, etc.
Also if somebody did not have the desired result in his/her life with the use of NLP/the training, they said that it’s her/his fault. If a training participant said they have positive changes in their life they said “yes, this is because you are here, participating” -> I think this is also a cult-like method.
There was a participant who wanted to leave the training for personal reasons, we had to give him suggestions (all of us talking at the same time) to stay using Eriksonian language, while he was sitting in the centre. It was a very awkward experience, I really felt this was a maipulative move.
After that I had a conflict mainly about this with the teacher, who threatened me that if I do not make rapport with her, she will make me fail on the final exam regardless my performance on the exam.
After that I left. Later I was informed that during the next NLP weekend she spoke behind my back about me leaving, giving false reasons why I left (and suprise, this person is an ex-lawyer).
The funny thing is that this might have been her normal way to deal with the situation when people left the training, because later I was told, that the next time somebody left, she also “analysed” the situation behind the ex-participant’s back.
I did not see any lasting, deep change during the training on the participants. I rather had the impression that traumas, issues, problems were masked with a sugary, pink coat. Like when you see some cult people, who always smile, but somehow it seems weird and unnatural.
When I used NLP on my self I only had short-term results. Once I used on somebody (she asked me), after she was really ethusiastic about it, she said it was a very good experience for her, but the result was short-termed.
I hope that there are out some genuine NLP practitioners, but I have the impression that since NLP is a highly manipulative method, lot of people will exploit this method for manipulation.
Off course other people’s experience might differ.
@DANNY Botterill: almost 1,5 year has past since your comment. I do not know where you live, but I am afraid there is no law against using NLP on others, although manipulation is not an ethical thing.
(Sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker).
Lmfao, this isn’t how you protect yourself this is merely the tip of the iceberg.
@Dave: then how can you protect yourself?
I have been victimized by NLP for the past 5 years. Here are some examples of how the ABUSE works. After the handshake triggers were placed to induce a trance, or to cause a simple partial seizure. Initially, I was hypnotized by a younger guy at work in a carpool. I thought I fell asleep but when I awoke, my hand was on a cup between his legs. When we arrived at work he announced with distaste I tried to suck his dick on the way to work. A few years later the sexual harassment had spread and an attempt was made to place me on disability. Another hypnotic episode came from a coworker, he used “fanning” under his chin, I thought I fell over and when I recovered myself, I was confused, and started watching him. I thought to myself, he is like a kid. Then I was convinced I was like him and it was autism. Everyone played into the autism and later, I sexually harassed younger men at work because of autism and was pushed to get on disability. Another hypnotism produced rape trauma by which I was convinced of being raped, I went to the ER. I also have been hit with a seizure as negative reinforcement with the excuse of not disclosing undetectable HIV to partners. It was just a lie so guys could see if the hypnotism really worked. I was told I was under investigation and on probation couldn’t drink alcohol, it’s stops the hypnotism. I was told if I had sex with another male again, I would be arrested and sent to prison. The public was falsely informed that I was autistic and in order to date me “permission had to be granted by my guardian with power of attorney, fabricated then no permission was granted to anyone. I have severe PTSD and it’s confused with autism attributes. The public was also told nobody could help me with anything. A year before I was set up and arrested for felony harassment, I was told several times I had to go to jail to “clear” my name. After being invited to dinner at my brothers upon arrival the police were called and told I was autistic, schizophrenic, and making threats to kill at his front door. During court the prosecutor had me diagnosed with, unspecified schizophrenia, telling the judge it meant I was autistic. I have been isolated and banished from society, accused of crimes against humanity, rape molestation sexual harassment. At work the NLP was repeated from a beginning point and after being fired the ABUSE started over at the next job. Guys were given consent to sexually harass me by showing private parts to me and details of use with them. This is how NLP is used for brainwashing and it’s abusive. At one point I had lost 40 lbs. Normally 160lbs. Malnutritioned and starving, the public was informed I was on drugs.
Holy Moly!!! There are 2 actual postings of how NLP is specifically used for ABUSE! They are very simular! One by SUMMERRAIN and another by PATRICK! Please compared the two stories.
Lead Teacher and Coaches “participate! I had a “Lead” and “participants” who participated.
SUMMERRAIN, everything was intentional including the derogatory rumors, it’s intentional abuse.
NLP caused trauma like you are describing. Was there covert hypnotism involved? I was actually persuaded to have sex with participants who used specific words and sentence patterns. The words, Look, Now, and sentences which contained these words or any statement made containing five words with the letter O. For example, “we love you more than you know.” “Now look at that over there now bro.” “Come now over to my house.” Come over you’re horny for sex.”
Here is my email SUMMERRAIN, hopefully you signed up for new post notifications. Let’s talk! Did you ever find a purpose or reason for the ABUSE? Apricot1034@gmail.com
Just to be logical, I believe this Narcissistic Neuro Linguistic Programming, with the use of brainwashing and mind control. It’s ILLEGAL, and abusive. I am almost certain this activity has been used for luring the victim into sexual activity through the NNLP. It can be used randomly by anyone who receives a classified hypnotic trigger usually defined as at least two to four movement and vocal triggers. For instance, an orbital approach then a direct facing and fast paced “walking” toward you, waving under the chin, with Sun glasses on, and shouts a number… 4434. Different combinations are used to not let the victim remember what happened. Here’s another approach, the sentence patterns with patterns of vowels could initiate mind control and the victim follows the directions.
Last, the whole alien conspiracy is a perfect example of NNLP use. “There’s a bright light, your body concludes, then you dream about the faces of the aliens. And wake the next morning, in a ditch, feeling as though you just got anal probed!
I’m concerned because I should weigh 168lbs and I weighed in at 134lbs starving with malnutrition because of past misuse. After the repeated use on 12 professional jobs, I was transient and starving and in mental health.
I was sexually assaulted more than once and possibly a victim of sex trafficking. This form of victimizing abuse can be initiated through an ericsonian handshake to a fortune told on tarot cards etc.