Why We Stay: How Childhood Loss, Abandonment and Neglect Can Make It Hard to Leave an Abusive Therapist

There is one question victims of therapist abuse dread perhaps more than any other: “Why didn’t you just leave?” Of course, this question isn’t specific to victims of therapist abuse; it’s asked of anyone who’s spent a significant amount of time in an abusive relationship. I think we’re all guilty of at least thinking the …

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Complex PTSD

I thought I’d take this opportunity to clear up any confusion regarding Complex PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I’ve used this term in several posts and have received a couple of questions about it. Here’s the scoop. Complex PTSD is a diagnosis that was originally proposed by Judith Herman, M.D., in Trauma and Recovery, her …

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Into the Light

This is a piece I wrote this past February, when I was struggling with some of my emotions. I thought I’d share it on the blog before posting it on the Survivor Creativity Page. I imagine many survivors can relate to these feelings! ~ Kristi *  *  * “I do not want to be angry,” …

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