Shattered: Deception, Betrayal, and Therapist Malpractice – a new book by Maura Muir

The following is a guest post from Maura Muir about her recently published book, Shattered: Deception, Betrayal, and Therapist Malpractice. Shattered: Deception, Betrayal, and Therapist Malpractice is the story of the havoc one unethical therapist can create. It details how I became aware of the misconduct, the personally catastrophic results that stemmed from it and the …

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Any Survivors from Arkansas?

Ginny Monk, a reporter at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, is working on a story about sexual abuse of clients by therapists, and is interested in hearing from survivors. She does not need names or details (unless you want to share your story). She is primarily interested in getting comprehensive data for the state. You can reach …

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A Rant — May 17, 2017

Periodically I get comments from people who think that I’m lying about what happened with Dr. T, that I made everything up, that I just want attention, blah, blah, blah. They go on their rant, threaten to discredit me—whatever. It happened again this week. Generally I let this stuff go, since I know that the …

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