Article: 30 Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship

I came across an article by Barrie Davenport on called 30 Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship. I highly recommend reading it. The article includes some excellent and helpful information, including the following list of signs of emotional abuse: 1. They humiliate you, put you down, or make fun of you in front of …

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Article by Shahida Arabi: “What Abuse Survivors Don’t Know: 10 Life-Changing Truths”

I came across a terrific article called “What Abuse Survivors Don’t Know: 10 Life-Changing Truths” by Shahida Arabi on the website Mogul. There are some great insights in it that I hope you’ll appreciate. For other great articles by Arabi, visit her blog Self-Care Haven. What Abuse Survivors Don’t Know: 10 Life-Changing Truths by Shahida Arabi …

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Support Naomi Heitz’s forthcoming book!

A reader wrote to me with the following information, and I wanted to pass it on in case you’d like to support a worthy cause. Naomi Heitz, the massage therapist and victim of therapist abuse who has the website (which I wrote about a few months ago), is in the process of finishing her book …

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The Powerful Voices Project

I want to let people know about The Powerful Voices Project, an organization run by Becky Fein, whom I met locally several months ago. The mission of the Powerful Voices Project is “to educate, empower, and enhance the conversation around sexual assault and its survivors.” For the past few years, Becky has been filming short …

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